St Mary’s Event Calendar 2023
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Sunday School every Sunday @ 9:30 Before 11:00 Service time
Bible Study Every Wednesday Evening @ 7:00 via ZoomBible study every Wednesday Evening @ 7:00 Via Zoo

Bible studies are here for you to grow in fellowship with others, while expanding your knowledge of the Bible. It’s the perfect place to get involved and share. Prayer for the needs of others and feel connected in a powerful way. We encourage everyone to join Bible study.
ST Mary’s Choir and Spirit of St. Mary’s Men Choir
Lifting your voice and yielding your talents to the Lord is an excellent way to get engaged and create an atmosphere of worship for our guests. We encourage all who are gifted with song, instruments, and music in general to join the music ministry.
Fund Raising Food Sales
Our Saturday Fund raising events are a great way to fellowship and get a great meal to take home to your family. Each Saturday will consist of different menu. Keep checking here for updates on weekly menu items
Mission Statement:
To Obediently Live Out Loud The Christian Faith Through:
True Bible-Based Discipleship
Relevant Love- Motivated Ministry
And Effective Kingdom-Minded Evangelism.
The Vision:
“To Be JESUS Centered
Getting to Know Him, Show Him and Make Him Known”
- We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, whose mercy is over all His works, and whose will is ever directed to the love of His children.
- We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, (God in the flesh) the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death through His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection.
- We believe the Holy Spirit is a Person, and He serves as the divine presence of God in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and daily empowered to live out the Christian faith in this life, to find strength and help in time of need and He is the guarantee of eternal life to come.
- We believe that salvation comes by confession of sin and faith in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, to believe in the heart that Jesus died and rose from the dead, and to proclaim with the mouth that He is Lord, evidenced by a changed life of intentional obedience to Jesus Christ in His word and will.
- We believe the Old and New Testaments to be the infallible Word of God; inerrant as originally given, inspired by God, the complete and sufficient revelation of His will for salvation and conduct.
- We believe in the Great Commission; to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the uttermost parts of the earth. Amen.
Class Leaders in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church are like sub-Pastors, and as such are appointed by the preacher in charge the Pastor has the responsibility of serving as overseer and Shepherd of the entire flock and as such must appoint class leaders to assist them in this role, therefore the class leader can be perceived as a proxy Pastor.
To discover the mission and unity of the Women’s Missionary council. To accourage cooperation, fellowship. and mutual counsel concerning the spiritual life and religious activities of the Christian Church. To study the needs of society in order to aid in the development of programs, people, processes, and resources that will enable the local church to fulfill its mission in spreading the Gospel.
If you are not an ordained minister, then you are a Lay member. Our Mission is to vigorously promote and supporting the beliefs and mission of our Church. Studying, seeking, sharing, and serving. Reaching, teaching, and ministering to all God’s People. Seeking daily, Christ’s Way Of Life. and to enhance Christian Fellowship in the local church among the laity by promoting responsible Christian Living
Our married couples are so important to us, as we know how hard marriage is. We make sure to provide a parent couple to each married couple that could help and lead them on their way of unity and purity. God puts marriage in high priority and we at St. Mary’s believe it to. If you are married and you are looking to connect with other married couples, this group is perfect for you.
Our Bible Study group has been going for many years strong. Helping us to walk and live closer to the Lord. Our Bible Study takes place at 7:00am on Wednesday evenings via Zoom, providing us the right way to start learning more about Jesus. It’s a time of fellowship, worship, prayer and accountability and we love it. If you want to connect with a wonderful time to study and learn more about our Lord , this is the group for you!
Our youth ministry is looking for a new start and new leadership. Our future rests in the arms of our young leaders guiding us into the future and into a new era.
Our Church leadership is committed in supporting the vision of our youth and commtitted to bridge the generational gap of today society. Come and be the start of a new and exciting time.